
Selected Papers in Refereed Journals

In Press/Published on-line


  • Jintao Zhang, Wei Zhang, William Hughes, Amvrossios Bagtzoglou. (2024). “Integrating Physics-Based Fragility for Hierarchical Spectral Clustering for Resilience Assessment of Power Distribution Systems under Extreme Winds”, Wind and Structures, Vol. 39, No. 1 (2024) 000-000
  • William Hughes; Sita Nyame; William Taylor; Aaron Spaulding; Mingguo Hong; Xiaochuan Luo; Slava Maslennikov; Diego Cerrai; Emmanouil Anagnostou; Wei Zhang. (2024) “A Probabilistic Method for Integrating Physics-based and Data-driven Storm Outage Prediction Models for Power Systems”, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 2,
  • Peter L.  Watson; William Hughes; Diego Cerrai; Wei Zhang; Amvrossios Bagtzoglou; Emmanouil Anagnostou. (2024) “Integrating Structural Vulnerability Analysis and Data-Driven Machine Learning to Evaluate Storm Impacts on the Power Grid”, IEEE Access, DOI:10.1109/access.2024.3396414.
  • William Hughes; Peter Watson; Diego Cerrai; Xinxuan Zhang, Amvrossios Bagtzoglou; Wei Zhang; Emmanouil Anagnostou. (2024) “Assessment of Grid Hardening Strategies to Improve Power Distribution System Resilience Using a Hybrid Mechanistic-Machine Learning Outage Prediction Model.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 248, August 2024, 110169.
  • Zhu, D., Huang, X., Ding, Z., Zhang, W. (2024) “Estimation of wind turbine responses with attention-based neural network incorporating environmental uncertainties”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 241(1), January 2024, 109616.
  • Huang, Y.K., Zhang, J., Ren, Z., Xiang, W., Sifat, I., Zhang, W., Zhu, J., Li, B. (2023) “Next Generation Decentralized Water Systems: a Water-Energy-Infrastructure-Human Nexus (WEIHN) Approach”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology,  9, 2446-2471.
  • Hughes, W., Zhang, W. (2023) “Evaluation of Post-Disaster Home Livability for Coastal Communities in a Changing Climate”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, V96(10), 103951.
  • Zhu, D., Zhang, W., Ding, Z., Kim, J. (2023) “Investigation of crack propagation driving force based on crystal plasticity and cyclic J-integral”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v 289 (9).
  • Lu, Q., Zhang, W. (2023) “An Integrated Damage Modeling and Assessment Framework for Overhead Power Distribution Systems Considering Tree-Failure Risks”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,
  • Hughes, W., Santos, L., Lu, Q., Malla, R., Ravishanker, N., Zhang, W. (2023) “Probabilistic Risk Assessment Framework for Predicting Large Woody Debris Accumulations and Scour near Bridges”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,
  • Zhang, J., Bagtzoglou, Y., Zhu, J., Li, B., and Zhang, W. (2023). “Fragility-based System Performance Assessment of Critical Power Infrastructure “, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, v232, April 2023, 109065.
  • Hughes, W., Lu, Q., Ding, Z., and Zhang, W. (2023). “Modeling Tree Damages and Infrastructure Disruptions under Strong Winds for Community Resilience Assessment.”  ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, v 9(1),
  • Ding, Z., Zhang, W., Hughes, W.  (2023) “Wind Load Evaluation of Low-rise Residential Buildings for Coastal Communities using Database-assisted Design Method.” Journal of Structural Engineering, v 149(1).


  • Hughes, W., Zhang, W., and Ding, Z.,(2022). “Multi-Objective Optimization for Hurricane Retrofit to Improve Coastal Community Structural and Socioeconomic Resilience.” Natural Hazards Review, v 23(4),
  • Hughes, W., Zhang, W., Cerrai, D., Bagtzoglou, A., Wanik, D., and Anagnostou, E. (2022). “A Hybrid Physics-Based and Data-Driven Model for Power Distribution System Infrastructure Hardening and Outage Simulation”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 225,September 2022, 108628.
  • Zhu, D., Zhang, W., Ding, Z. (2022) “A Multiscale Crack Iteration and Remeshing Model for Low Cycle Crack Propagation Evaluation”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 148 Issue 8 – August 2022.
  • Hughes, W., Zhang, W., Ding, Z., and Li, X. (2022). “Integrated Structural and Socioeconomic Resilience Assessment for Coastal Community Residential Building Hurricane Vulnerability.” Natural Hazards Review, 23 (3),
  • Ding, Z., Zhang, W., and Zhu, D. (2022). “Neural-Network Based Wind Pressure Prediction for Low-Rise Buildings with Genetic Algorithm and Bayesian Optimization “, Engineering Structures, Volume 2601 June 2022, 114203,
  • Zhu, D., Zhang, W., Ding, Z. (2022) “A Modified Fatigue Damage Model Considering Loading Sequence Effect”, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, V31(7). link
  • Zhang, J., Zhang, W., Lu, Q., Zhu, J., Bagtzoglou, A. (2022) “A Fragility-Weighted Topological Network for Resilient Assessment of Overhead Power Distribution System Subjected to Hurricane Winds”, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, V8(2),
  • Lu, Q., Zhang, W. (2022) “Integrating Dynamic Bayesian Network and Physics-based Modeling for Risk Analysis of a Time-Dependent Power Distribution System during Hurricanes”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 220, April 2022, 108290.
  • Lu, Q., Zhang, W., Bagtzoglou, A. (2022) “Physics-Based Reliability Assessment of Community-Based Power Distribution System using Synthetic Hurricanes “, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, V8(1), March 2022.
  • Li, X, Zhang, W. “Physics-informed Deep Learning Model in Wind Turbine Response Prediction”, Renewable Energy, Volume 185February 2022, Pages 932-944
  • Zhu, D., Zhang, W., Ding, Z. (2022) “Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Loading Sequence Effects on Low Cycle Bending Fatigue”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 35 (2). March 2022.
  • Ma, X., Zhang, W. (2022) “Dynamic Amplification Effects of Scour and Debris Impacts for Short Span Bridges”, Engineering Structures,  252(1), February 2022, 113644  Feb. 2022
  • Zhu, D., Zhang, W., Ding, Z. (2022) “Dislocation Density Evolution in Low Cycle Fatigue of Steels Using Dislocation-Based Crystal Plasticity”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148 (2).  Feb. 2022
  • Ding, Z., Zhang, W., Hughes, W., Zhu, D. (2021) “A Modified Sub-Assembly Approach for Hurricane Induced Wind-Surge-Wave Vulnerability Assessment of Low-rise Wood Buildings in Coastal Communities”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 218(11), November 2021, 104755.
  • Ma, X., Zhang, W. (2021). “Evaluating Tsunami Damage of Wood Residential Buildings in a Coastal Community Considering Waterborne Debris from Buildings”, Engineering Structures, Volume 2441 October 2021, 112761.
  • Ding, Z., Zhang, W., Zhu, D. “A Three-dimensional Equivalent Parameterized Beam Element for Nail Connections in Wood Residential Buildings”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(4), April 2021.
  • Hughes, W., Zhang, W., Bagtzoglou, A., Wanik, D., Pensado, O, Yuan, H., Zhang, J. (2021). “Damage Modeling Framework for Resilience Hardening Strategy for Overhead Power Distribution Systems”. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 207, March 2021, 107367. 
  • Ma, X., Zhang, W., Bagtzoglou, A., Zhu, J. (2021). “A Local System Modeling Method for Resilience Assessment of Overhead Power Distribution System under Strong Winds”. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 7 (1) (March 2021).


  • Lu, Q., Sun, Z., Zhang, W.  (2020) “Nonlinear Parametric Vibration of Stayed Cables with Different Orders of Small Parameters Using Method of Multiple Scales”, Engineering Structures 224, 1 December 2020, 111198.
  • Ma, X., Zhang, W. (2020) “Fatigue Life of Weldment Details of Existing Orthotropic Steel Bridge Considering the Scour Effects”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(10). October 2020.
  • Xiong, Z., Zhu, J., Zheng, K., Zhang, W., Li, Y., Wu, M. (2020). “Framework of Wind-Traffic-Bridge Coupled Analysis Considering Realistic Traffic Behavior and Vehicle Inertia Force.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 205,October 2020, 104322. 
  • Chowdhury, S., Zhu, J, Zhang, W. (2020) “Optimized Restoration Planning of Infrastructure System-of-Systems using Heterogeneous Network Flow Simulation”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34 (5). September 2020.
  • Li, X., Zhang, W. (2020) “Long-term Fatigue Damage Assessment for a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under Realistic Environmental Conditions”, Renewable EnergyVolume 159, October 2020, Pages 570-584. 
  • Zhu, D., Zhang, W., Ding, Z. (2020) “Atomistic Simulation of Short Crack Growth in Correlation with Fatigue Indicator Parameter”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 33(5). September 2020. 
  • Lu, Q., Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2020) “Quantification of Fatigue Damage for Structural Details in Slender Coastal Bridges Using Machine Learning Based Methods”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(7). July 2020.
  • Chen, J., Liu, S., Zhang, W., Liu, Y. (2020) “Uncertainty quantification of fatigue S-N curves with sparse data using hierarchical Bayesian data augmentation”, International Journal of Fatigue, 134 (5).  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105511. May 2020.
  • Ma, X.L., Li, X., Wu, D., Zhang, W. (2020) “Effects of Nonstructural Wall in Progressive Failure of Coastal Residential Buildings Subjected to Strong Winds”, ASCE Journal of Architecture Engineering, 26(1). March 2020.
  • Zhu, D.P., Zhang, W., Yuan, H., Huang, X.G. (2020) “A 3D Grain-based Mesoscale Modeling of Short Fatigue Crack Growth for Bridge Weldments Considering Crack Front Evolution”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 146(2). February 2020. link
  • Li, Xuan, Zhang, W. (2020) “Long-term assessment of a floating offshore wind turbine under environmental conditions with multivariate dependence structures”, Renewable Energy, Volume 147, Part 1, 2020, Pages 764-775, ISSN 0960-1481, (
  • Niu, H.W., Zhu, J., Chen, Z.Q., Zhang, W. (2019) “Dynamic Performance of a Slender Truss Bridge Subjected to Extreme Wind and Traffic Loads Considering 18 Flutter Derivatives”. ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 32(6). Nov. 2019.
  • Yu, J.J, Li, G.D., Ren, Z.Y, Zhang, W., Tang, J.Q, Zhang, L., Si, X.L., Zhao, Z. (2019) “Mixed-mode I-II mesoscale fracture behavior of concrete determined by the realistic aggregate numerical model”. Construction and Building Materials, 226(30), Pages 802-817. Nov. 2019.
  • Li, X., Zhang, W. (2019) “3D Numerical Simulation of Wave Transmission for Low-Crested and Submerged Breakwaters“, Coastal Engineering. Volume 152, October 2019, 103517.
  • Fan, Y.Z., Dai, Z.Q., Xu, Z.H., Zheng, S.K., Dehkokordy, F.M., Bagtzoglou, A, Zhang, W., Gao, P.X., Li, B.K. (2019) “High resolution air flow velocity monitoring using air flow resistance-type sensor film (AFRSF)”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, V2971, October 2019, 111562. Oct. 2019.
  • Li, Y., Ma, X.L., Zhang, W. (2019) “Dynamic Performance of a Concrete-Filled Steel Tube High-Pier Curved Continuous Truss Girder Bridge due to Moving Vehicles”. Advances in Structural Engineering, 22(6). Apr. 2019.
  • Zhu, J., Zhang, W., Li, X. “Fatigue Damage Assessment of Orthotropic Steel Deck Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks”, International Journal of Fatigue. 118(1), p.44-53. Jan. 2019.


    • Niu, H., Chen, Z., Hua, X., Zhang, W. “Mitigation of wind-induced vibrations of bridge hangers using tuned mass dampers with eddy current damping”, Smart Structures and Systems, 22(6). DOI: 10.12989/sss.2018.22.6.727. Dec. 2018.
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Zhu, J., Bagtzoglou, A. (2018) “Resilience Assessment of Overhead Power Distribution System under Strong Winds for Hardening Prioritization”. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, 4(4). Dec. 2018.
    • Niu, H.W., Li, X., Zhang, W. (2018). “Capacity Assessment of Existing Corroded Overhead Power Line Structures Subjected to Synoptic Winds.” Wind and Structures. 27(5). Nov. 2018.
    • Li, X., Zhang, W., Niu, H.W., Wu, Zheng. “Probabilistic Capacity Assessment of Single Circuit Transmission Tower-Line System Subjected to Strong Winds.” Engineering Structures. 175(11), p 517-530. November 2018.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W., and Wu, M.X. (2018). “Coupled Dynamic Analysis of Vehicle-Bridge-Wind-Wave System.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 23(8). August, 2018.
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Castelluccio, G., Kim, J., Liu, Y. (2018). “Microstructure-sensitive Estimation of Small Fatigue Crack Growth in Bridge Steel Welds.” International Journal of Fatigue, 112 (7), p183-197. July 2018.
    • Li, Y., Ma, X.L., Zhang, W., Wu, Z.W. (2018). “Time-variant Dimension Updating Method for Complex Traffic Flows in Vehicle-Bridge Dynamic Interaction Analysis.” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 31(4), 04018041. July 2018.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2018). “Probabilistic Fatigue Damage Assessment of Coastal Slender Bridges under Coupled Dynamic Loads.” Engineering Structures, 166(7), p. 274-285. July, 2018.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W., and Wu, M.X. (2018). “Evaluation of Ride Comfort and Driving Safety for Moving Vehicles on Slender Coastal Bridges.” ASME  Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 140(5), 051012. doi:10.1115/1.4039569 Apr. 2018. 
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Kim, J., Liu, Y.M. (2017). “A Nonlinear Grain-based Fatigue Damage Model for Civil Infrastructure under Variable Amplitude Loads.” International Journal of Fatigue. 104, p389-396. Nov. 2017.
    • Weston, J., Zhang, W. (2017). “Equivalent Parameterized Beam Model for Nailed Connections in Low-rise Residential Buildings.” Engineering Structures, 145(8), 12-21. Aug. 2017.
    • Wu, M.X., Li, Y.L., Zhang, W. (2017). “Impacts of wind shielding effects of bridge tower on railway vehicle running performance.” Wind and Structures. 25(1), p.63-77. DOI: 10.12989/was.2017.25.1.063. July, 2017.
    • Kong, X, Cai, C.S., Deng, L., Zhang, W. (2017). “Using dynamic response of moving vehicle to extract bridge modal properties of a field bridge.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(6),04017018.  DOI: Jun. 2017.
    • Zhu, J. and Zhang, W. (2017). “Numerical Simulation of Wind and Wave Fields for Coastal Slender Bridges.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(3), 04016125, 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001002. Mar. 2017.
    • Zhang, W., Mengxue Wu, and Zhu, J. (2017). “Evaluation of Vehicular Dynamic Effects for the Life Cycle Design of Short-Span Bridges.” Steel Construction 1/2017, DOI: 10.1002/stco.201710008. Feb. 2017.
    • Liu, H.J, Zhang, W., Yuan, H. (2016). “Structural Stability Analysis of Single-Layer Reticulated Shells with Stochastic Imperfections.” Engineering Structures, 124, 473-479. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.06.046Oct. 2016.
    • Liu, H.J, Zhang, W., Yuan, H., Zhu, J., and Zheng, J. (2016). “Modified Double-Control Form-Finding Analysis for Suspendomes Considering the Construction Process and the Friction of Cable-Strut Joints.” Engineering Structures, 120, 75-81. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.04.023Aug. 2016.
    • Wang, D., Zhang, W., Y. Liu, and Y.M. Liu. (2016) “Strand tension Control of Anchor Span in Suspension Bridge using Dynamic Balance Method”. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 13(10). Aug. 2016
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W., Zheng, K.F., and Li, H.G. (2016). “Seismic design of a long span cable-stayed bridge with fluid viscous dampers.” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 21 (1):04015006. 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000262. Feb. 2016.
    • Yin, X.F., Liu, Y., Guo, S.H., Zhang, W., and Cai, C.S. (2016). “Three-dimensional vibration of a suspension bridge under stochastic traffic flows and road roughness.”  International Journal for Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 16(2016): 1550038. doi: 10.1142/S0219455415500388. Feb. 2016. Ad


    • Zhang, W., Zhu, J., Liu, H.J., and Niu, H.W. (2015). “Probabilistic capacity assessment of lattice transmission towers under strong wind.” Frontiers in Built Environment. 1:20. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2015.00020. Oct. 2015.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J., Cai, C. S. (2015). “Application of snapshot POD analysis in extracting flow structures around bridge decks.” Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(6), 803-815. June 2015. Ad 
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2015). “Coupled analysis of multi-impact energy harvesting from low-frequency wind induced vibrations.” Smart Materials and Structures, 24,045007. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/24/4/045007. April 2015.
    • Cai, C. S., Hu. J.X., Chen, S.R., Zhang, W., and Kong, X. (2015). “A coupled wind-vehicle-bridge system and its applications.” Wind and Structures, 20(2), 117-142. February 2015. Ad
    • Zhang, W., Cai, C. S., Pan, F., Zhang, Y. (2014). “Fatigue life estimation of existing bridges under vehicle and non-stationary hurricane wind.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 133(10), pp. 135-145. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2014.06.008. October 2014.
    • Zhang, W., Yuan, H. (2014). “Corrosion fatigue effects on life estimation of deteriorated bridges under vehicle impacts.” Engineering Structures, 71(7), 128-136. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.04.004. July 2014.
    • Pan, F., Cai, C. S., Zhang, W., Kong, B. (2014). “Refined finite element modeling and damage predictions of low-rise building envelopes under hurricane loads.” Wind and Structures, 18(6), 669-691. June 2014. Ad
    • Zhang, Y., Cai, C. S., Zhang, W. (2014). “Experimental study of a multi-impact energy harvester under low frequency excitation.” Smart Materials and Structures, 23, 055002, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/5/055002. May 2014.
    • Zhang, W., Cai, C. S., Pan, F. (2013). “Nonlinear fatigue damage assessment of existing bridges considering progressively deteriorated road conditions.” Engineering Structures, 56(11), 1922-1932. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.06.027. Nov. 2013.
    • Zhang, W., Cai, C. S., Pan, F. (2013). “Finite element modeling of bridges with equivalent orthotropic material method for multi-scale dynamic loads.” Engineering Structures, 54(9), 82-93. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.03.047. Sep. 2013.
    • Cai, C. S., Zhang, W., Liu, X., Peng, W., Chen, S.R., Han, Y., Hu, J. (2013). “Framework of wind-vehicle-bridge interaction analysis and its applications.” Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 7(3). doi: 10.1142/S1793431113500206. Sep. 2013.  
    • Zhang, W., Cai, C. S., Pan, F. (2013). “Fatigue reliability assessment for long-span bridges under combined dynamic loads from winds and vehicles.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 18(8), 735-747. Aug. 2013.
    • Zhang, W., Cai, C. S. (2013). “Reliability based dynamic amplification factor on stress ranges for fatigue design of existing bridges”. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 18(6), 538-552. June 2013.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y., and Cai, C. (2013). ”Evaluating wind loads on bridge decks using velocity fields.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(3), 339–346. Mar. 2013.
    • Pan, F., Cai, C., and Zhang, W. (2013). ”Wind-induced internal pressures of buildings with multiple openings.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(3), 376–385. Mar. 2013.
    • Cai, C.S., Zhang, W., Deng, L., and Xia, M. (2013). “Performance evaluation of existing bridges under vehicle dynamic effects.” Advanced Material Research, 639-640(1), pp42-53. 10.4028/ Jan. 2013.

    Prior to 2012

    • Zhang, W., Cai, C.S. (2012). “Fatigue Reliability Assessment for Existing Bridges Considering Vehicle and Road Surface Conditions”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 17(3),443-453.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J. (2009). “Particle image velocimetry study and numerical simulation of turbulent near wake of square cylinder”, Journal of Tongji University, v 37, n 7, p 857-861+892.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J. (2009). “Evolution of unsteady aerodynamic forces for bodies from flow maps”, Engineering Mechanics, v 26, n 7, p 192-204.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J. (2009). “Flow-map mechanism of wind induced vibrations of H-shape bridge decks”, China Civil Engineering Journal, v 42, n 5, p 90-95.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J. (2009). “Flow field mechanism of wind induced vibration response of large span bridge influenced by guide vanes”, China Journal of Highway and Transport, v 22, n 3, p 52-57.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J. (2008). “Analysis method of vortex shedding from bridge decks based on the revised frozen turbulence hypothesis”, Journal of Tongji University, v36, n10, p 1307-1313.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J., Wei, Z.G., Yang, Y.X. (2008). “Experiments on vortex induced vibration of twin-box bridge sections in high and low Reynolds numbers”, Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, v 26, n 3, p 356-359.
    • Zhang, W., Wei, Z.G., Yang, Y.X., Ge, Y.J. (2008). “Comparison and analysis of vortex induced vibration for twin-box bridge sections based on experiments in different Reynolds numbers”, Journal of Tongji University, v 36, n 1, Jan., 2008, p6-11.
    • Zhang, W., Ge, Y.J, Yang, Y.X. (2007). “Research progress of cross correlation algorithms in particle image velocimetry”. Advances in Mechanics, v37, n3, p 428-442.
    • Yu, H.G., Ge, Y.J., Zhang, W., Yang, Y.X. (2007). “Calculation and analysis of static wind stability of long span concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge”, Bridge Construction, v2007, n2.
    • Zhang, W., Pan, F. (2005). “Secondary Stress Analysis of the Main Cable of Suspension Bridges”, Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science), v 26, n 4, p 29-33.

    Dissertations and Theses


    • Zhang, Jintao, “Fragility-based Performance Assessment of Critical Infrastructures Systems”, (2022). Doctoral Dissertations.
    • Zhu, Dongping, “Fatigue Damage Estimation of Metallic Microstructure Integrating Multiscale Modeling and Applications”, (2022). Doctoral Dissertations.
    • Lu, Qin, “Damage Assessment of Civil Infrastructures Integrating Machine Learning and Physics-based Analysis”, (2021). Doctoral Dissertations.
    • Ma, Xiaolong, “Damage Modeling of Coastal Infrastructures Subjected to Scour and Waterborne Debris”, (2021). Doctoral Dissertations.
    • Li, Xuan, “Dynamic Performance of Coastal and Offshore Structures under Combined Wind and Wave Loadings” (2020). Doctoral Dissertations.
    • Yuan, Hao, “Mesoscale Modeling of Short Fatigue Crack Behavior in Metallic Microstructure and Application to the Structural Components” (2018). Doctoral Dissertations. 2024.
    • Zhu, Jin, “Life-Cycle Fatigue Performance of Coastal Slender Bridges Subject to Multi-Hazards” (2018). Doctoral Dissertations. 1759.


    • Bagtzoglou, Yiannis, “Structural Integrity Assessment for Prospective Offshore Wind Turbines Subjected to Environmental Wind Loading” (2022). Master’s Thesis.
    • Wu, Di, “Coastal Community Resilience Assessment for Residential Building Structures Subjected to Multi-Hazards” (2018). Master’s Theses. 1198.

    Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations


    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang, (2022) “Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Transmission Tower Response under Wind Loading.” Oral Presentation, North American Power Symposium, October 2022, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Full Paper)
    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang, Q. Lu, (2022)  “Fragility Analysis of Transmission Tower-Line System Under Multiple Environmental Loadings.” Oral Presentation, Electrical Transmission and Substations Structures (ETS) Conference, October 2022, Orlando, Florida (Full Paper)
    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang. (2022) “A Risk-based Debris Prediction Framework for Riverine Bridges During Storms.” Oral Presentation, 16th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, Hartford, CT, August 2022
    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang. (2022). “Prediction of Waterborne Large Woody Debris Accumulations and Scour for Bridges in Flooding Events.” Oral Presentation, Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2022
    •  W. Hughes, W. Zhang, Q. Lu, Z. Ding, (2022). “Fragility Assessment of Diverse Power Transmission Structures Under Strong Winds.” Oral Presentation, 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, May 2022, Lubbock, Texas. (Full paper)
    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang, (2022). “Risk-based Structural Optimization Framework for Connected Systems Subject to Extreme Events.” Oral Presentation, ASCE Earth and Space Conference, April 2022, Denver, Colorado (Full Paper)
    • Ding, Z., Zhang, W., Hughes, W. (2021) “Performance Assessment of Low-rise Wood Buildings Using Database-assisted Design Method” Conference Presentation, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), May 2021 (Virtual).
    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang, H. Yuan, A. Bagtzoglou, O. Pensado, J. Zhang, D. Wanik. (2021) “Power Distribution System Fragility and Resilience Improvement Assessment Under Extreme Storms” Conference Presentation, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), May 2021 (Virtual).
    • W. Hughes, W. Zhang, X. Li, X. Ma. (2020) “Coastal Community Resilience Framework Case Study of Residential Building Hurricane Vulnerability” Conference Poster, ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) July 2020 (Virtual).
    • Zhang, J.T., Hughes, W., Zhang, W., Bagtzoglou, A.  (2019) “Fragility assessment of Power Distribution System for resilience hardening.” ASCE EMI 2019, June 18- 21, Pasadena, CA.
    • Lu, Q., Zhu, J. , Zhang, W. (2019) “Quantification of Fatigue Damage of Structural Details in Slender Coastal Bridges Using Machine Learning Based Methods.” Structures Congress 2019, April 24–27, 2019. Orlando, Florida. (Full Paper)
    • Li, X., Zhang, W. (2019) “Probabilistic Fatigue Evaluation of Floating Wind Turbine using Combination of Surrogate Model and Copula Model.” AIAA SciTech Forum, January 7-11, 2019, San Diego, USA. (Full Paper)


    • Zhu, D.P., Yuan, H., Zhang, W. (2018) “3D Grain Based Fatigue Damage Simulation Considering Crack Front Evolution.” ASCE EMI 2018, May 29- June 1, Boston, MA.
    • Li, X., Zhang, W., Wu, D. (2018) “Lifetime Reliability Evaluation of Spar-type Offshore Floating Wind Turbine using Copula Model.” ASCE EMI 2018, May 29- June 1, Boston, MA.
    • Ma, X.L., Zhang, W. (2018) “Detailed FEA for considering the influence of nonstructural members in coastal buildings.” ASCE EMI 2018, May 29- June 1, Boston, MA.
    • Lu. Q, Zhang, W., Sun, Z. (2018) “Nonlinear Parametric Vibration with Different Orders of Small Parameters for Stayed Cables.” ASCE EMI 2018, May 29- June 1, Boston, MA.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W., Liu, Y.M. (2018) “Fatigue Damage Prognosis of Bridge Weldments Subject to Moving Vehicles using Dynamic Bayesian Networks.” ASCE EMI 2018, May 29- June 1, Boston, MA.
    • Zhu, J.,Zhang, W., Wu, M.X., Wang, B. (2018) “Vehicle Safety Evaluation on Slender Coastal bridges Considering Wind and Wave Actions.” 16th Biennial ASCE International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, April 9-12, Cleveland, OH, USA. (Full Paper)
    • Li, X., Zhang, W., Wu, D. (2018) “Assessment of Wave Energy Dissipation and Stability of Breakwater with Varied Geometries Subjected to Strong Waves.” 16th Biennial ASCE International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, April 9-12, Cleveland, OH, USA. (Full Paper)
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Liu, Y. (2018) “Quantification of Time Distribution to Initial Long Crack by Reduced Order Modeling on Microstructurally Short Fatigue Crack Growth Model”, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 8-12, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA. (Full Paper)
    • Li, X., Zhang, W., Wu., D. (2018) “Lifetime Reliability Evaluation of Spar Type Floating Wind Turbine Subjected to Combined Wind-Wave Actions”, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 8-12, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA. (Full Paper)
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2017) “Fatigue damage assessment of an existing coastal slender bridge under multiple dynamic loadings.” ASCE EMI 2017, Jun. 4-7, San Diego, CA.
    • Yuan, H., Pan, F., Zhang, W., Han, S. (2017) “Short Crack Growth Simulation for Pressurized Vessels and Pipes.” ASCE EMI 2017, Jun. 4-7, San Diego, CA.
    • Zhang, W., Weston, J., Wu, D., Pan, F. (2017) “Resiliency of Coastal Residential Buildings subjected to Wind and Flood.” ASCE EMI 2017, Jun. 4-7, San Diego, CA.
    • Zhu, J., Wu, D., Weston, J., Zhang, W. (2017) “Natural Hazard and Damage Assessment of Building Infrastructures in a Coastal Community.” 13th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, May 21-24, 2017, Gainesville, FL.
    • Weston, J., Pan, F., Zhang, W. (2017) “Community Resilience Study of Coastal Residential Buildings subject to Strong Winds.” 13th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, May 21-24, 2017, Gainesville, FL. (Full Paper).Ad
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Zhu, J., Bagtzoglou, A. (2017) “Structural Resiliency Assessment of a Single-circuit Overhead Distribution System under Extreme Wind Hazard.” 13th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, May 21-24, 2017, Gainesville, FL. (Full Paper).
    • Li, X., Niu, H.W., Pan, F., Zhang, W. (2017) “Limit State Evaluation for Transmission Tower-Line System.” 13th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, May 21-24, 2017, Gainesville, FL. (Full Paper).Ad
    • Weston, J., Zhang, W. (2017) “Finite element modeling of nailed connections in low-rise residential home structures.” Structural Congress 2017, April 6-8, Denver, CO. (Full paper)Ad
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Kim, J.H., Liu, Y.M.  (2017) “Mesoscale simulation of corrosion fatigue by an integrated transgranular and intergranular crack growth method”, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 9-13, 2017, Grapevine, TX, USA. Ad
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Kim, J.H., Liu, Y.M.  (2016) “Mesoscale simulation of short fatigue crack growth under non-stationary stress history”, International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials XI, 18-23 September 2016, Hyannis Resort and Conference Center, Hyannis, MA, USA.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2016) “Evaluation of Joint Multiple Natural Hazards for Coastal Community”. 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, June 7-11, 2016, Boston, MA.Ad
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W. (2016) “Probabilistic mesoscale simulation of high cycle fatigue by mixed trans-intergranular crack growth method”. ASCE EMI 2016, May. 22-25, Nashville, TN.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2016) “Simulation of Wind and Wave Field for Coastal Infrastructures”. ASCE EMI 2016, May. 22-25, Nashville, TN.
    • Niu, H.W., Zhang, W., Hua, X.G. (2016) “Assessment of Colllapse Status of 220kV Guyed Portal Transmission Tower Subjected to Extreme Wind Loads”. ASCE EMI 2016, May. 22-25, Nashville, TN.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2016) “Framework of Coupled Vehicle-Bridge-Wind-Wave (VBWW) Dynamic System”. 2016 Long Island Sound Research Conference, May 13, 2016, Bridgeport, CT.
    • Weston, J., Zhang, W., Zhu, J. (2016) “Finite Element Analysis of Coastal Residential Structures Subject to Natural Disasters”. 2016 Long Island Sound Research Conference, May 13, 2016, Bridgeport, CT.
    • Zhang, W., Yuan, H., Zhu, J., Pan, F.  (2016) “Short Fatigue Crack Growth of Weldments for Coastal Slender Bridges under Wind and Vehicle Loads”. The 6th US-Japan Workshop on Wind Engineering: Windstorm Hazard Reduction of Critical Infrastructure, May. 12-15, Tokyo, Japan. Ad


    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W. (2015) “Probabilistic Mesoscale Simulation of Short Fatigue Crack in Weld Micro-structure”. The 2nd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures, Dec. 18-20, Changsha, China.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W. (2015) “Joint Wind and Wave Simulation for Coastal Slender Bridges”. The 2nd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures, Dec. 18-20, Changsha, China.
    • Zhang, W., Zhu, J. (2015) “Dynamic Amplification Factor for Bridge Life-cycle Fatigue Design”. The 2nd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures, Dec. 18-20, Changsha, China.
    • Yuan, H., Zhang, W., Kim, J.H. (2015) “Multi-scale fracture simulation for a welded steel plate under cyclic loads and corrosion”. ASCE EMI 2015, June. 16-19, Stanford, CA.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W.(2015) “Assessing joint coastal wind and flood hazard in the U.S. northeastern regions”. ASCE EMI 2015, June. 16-19, Stanford, CA.
    • Niu, H.W., H.J. Liu, Zhu, J., Zhang, W.(2015) “Vulnerability Assessment of Transmission Towers under Strong Wind”. ASCE EMI 2015, June. 16-19, Stanford, CA.
    • Liu, H.J., Zhang, W., Yang, L.F. (2015) “Stochastic imperfection mode superposition method for stability of single layer lattice dome”. ASCE EMI 2015, June. 16-19, Stanford, CA.
    • Zhu, J., Zhang, W.(2014) “Analysis of A multi-impact wind and vibration energy harvester for civil infrastructures ”. ASCE EMI 2014, Aug. 5-8, Hamilton, Ontario.
    • Zhu, J., Zheng, K.F. Zhang, W.(2014) “Parametric Study of Viscous Fluid Damper for Earthquake-protection of a Cable-stayed Bridge”. ASCE EMI 2014, Aug. 5-8, Hamilton, Ontario.
    • Li, H.G. Zhang, W.(2014) “A 2D FSI algorithm for heart valve dynamics based on Lattice Boltzmann Equation”. ASCE EMI 2014, Aug. 5-8, Hamilton, Ontario.
    • Zhang, W., Yuan, H. (2014) “Fatigue Reliability Assessment of Deteriorated Bridges under Vehicle Dynamic Effects”. ASCE Structural Congress 2014, Apr. 3-5, Boston, MA. (DOIAd

      Book and Book Chapters 

      • Zhang, W., Cai, C. S. (2012). “Fatigue Performance and Life-Cycle Prediction of Existing Bridges: Dynamic Effects from Combined Random Loads of Winds and Vehicles”. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (May 31, 2012)(Amazon)
      • Cai, C. S., Zhang, W., and Montens, S. (2014). “Wind Effects on Long-Span Bridges.” Bridge Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition, W.-F. Chen and L. Duan, eds., CRC Press/Taylor Francis. (DOI) (CRC Press)


      • Zhang, W. (2012). “Fatigue Performance of Existing Bridges under Dynamic Loads from Winds and Vehicles”. Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Ad


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