Jin Zhu’s poster was selected as one of the two posters to represent Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering forward to the SOE competition in 2nd Annual Graduate Poster competition. The poster was posted on Feb. 25th, 2016 at Student Union 304.
Jin Zhu was selected to recieve GE Graduate Fellowship in the year of 2016.
Jin Zhu was awarded with BBAA Travel Fellowship for the 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, which was held in Northeaster University at Boston, Massachusetts, USA in June 7-11, 2016.
Xuan Li and Di Wu joined our group for their Ph.D. and Master degree from Spring 2016.
Dr. Huawei Niu from Hunan University joined our group in March 2016.
Two papers are recently accepted in Engineering Structures, details are here.