- Dr. Zhang received 2016 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer Award for ASCE/ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering.
- Dr. Zhang was selected as a 2017 ASCE ExCEEd Fellow to participate in the 2017 ASCE ExCEEd Teaching workshop at Florida Gulf Coast University on June 18-23, 2017.
- Jeffery Weston received travel award from UConn Graduate School to participate 2017 ASCE Structural Congress.
- Jin Zhu received travel award from UConn Graduate School to participate 2017 Americas Conference on Wind Engineering.
- Hao Yuan recieved travel award from UConn Graudate School to participate 2016 International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials XI.
- Team 12 Offshore/Coastal Project win the 2nd place in CE Senior Design team competition (Team Members: Avis Carrero, Christopher Luongo, Audrey Turcotte, Georgina Talbot).