Dr. Zhang received 2016 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer Award for ASCE/ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering.
Dr. Zhang was selected as a 2017 ASCE ExCEEd Fellow to participate in the 2017 ASCE ExCEEd Teaching workshop at Florida Gulf Coast University on June 18-23, 2017.
Jeffery Weston received travel award from UConn Graduate School to participate 2017 ASCE Structural Congress.
Jin Zhu received travel award from UConn Graduate School to participate 2017 Americas Conference on Wind Engineering.
Hao Yuan recieved travel award from UConn Graudate School to participate 2016 International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials XI.
Team 12 Offshore/Coastal Project win the 2nd place in CE Senior Design team competition (Team Members: Avis Carrero, Christopher Luongo, Audrey Turcotte, Georgina Talbot).